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Antibacterial Soap vs. Non-Antibacterial Soap: Is there a difference?

bubbles in hand

It is not proven that antibacterial soaps are more effective than non-antibacterial soaps at killing or removing illness causing germs.  According to the FDA, the “antibacterial” quality of soaps makes no difference when it comes to preventing illness. In fact, according to this FDA article, prolonged use of antibacterial soaps can potentially have a negative effective on health.

Antiseptic/antibacterial washes are manufactured with ingredients like triclosan and triclocarban which are not proven safe for everyday use. Also, these ingredients have not been shown to be more effective than Non-Antibacterial soap and water in preventing illness or the spread of germs.

Just plain soap and water should do the trick to help keep you and your family safe from illness causing germs. While hand sanitizer is helpful for on the go disinfecting, soap and water is still the most effective method for removing germs.  


Photo by Matthew Tkocz on Unsplash


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